CECs for Authoring Published Peer-reviewed Research
AUSactive Registered Professionals may apply for CECs for authoring published peer-reviewed research articles within an exercise science, fitness, aqua exercise, Pilates, yoga or related field that aligns with the Scope of Practice for AUSactive Professionals published peer-reviewed article where you are the designated lead author.
CECs applicable:
Published peer-reviewed article where you are a lead author:
- 10 CECs per article published in your registration period
Published peer-reviewed article where you are a contributing author.
- 5 CECs per article published in your registration period

Research based: An accumulation of facts, based on scientific evidence identified
Peer reviewed: Research reviewed and assessed by experts in the respective field
The maximum CECs able to be obtained via authoring published peer-reviewed research per registration period is 10 CECs.
Evidence Required:
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